Posted in Leinenkugel's Brewing, Seasonal Return

SEASONAL RETURN: Leinenkugel’s Creamy Dark & Nut Brown

It seems like everywhere I go these days, I meet someone from Wisconsin.  Me being me of course, I ask them about the beer scene and their favorite brews.  9 times out of 10 they mention Leinenkugel’s Brewing as their favorite Wisconsin hometown beer.  I’ve always liked Leinenkugel’s history – especially the fact that it’s been a family business literally for generations now.  The fall releases by this seasoned family brewery are here.

The Beers:

Fireside Nut Brown: Dark lager, 4.9% ABV.  Touch of hazelnut, dark malts, caramel & toffee.

Creamy Dark: Dark lager, 4.9% ABV.  Creamy as the name suggests.  Dark malts, touch of chocolate.

Availability: 12oz/6 pks.  Draft.  Seasonal releases

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