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Palate Restructuring Now In Bottles

New Albanian Thunderfoot

New Albanian Thunderfoot

New Albanian Brewing (New Albany, IN) is releasing Thunderfoot in bottles.  According to NA, the current recipe includes dried tart cherries, bing cherries in oak, and aged a year.  The label doesn’t mention the aging or additions, in either case – a highly prized imperial stout.

There can be no doubt: Thunderfoot actively renounces the gentle tweak, the mild revision and the imperceptible hint.  Thunderfoot neither seeks to make a plausible case for adaptive reuse, nor can be bothered with the nuances of historical preservation.  Thunderfoot puts its elongated foot squarely down, advocating your palate’s restructuring the old fashioned way – whole cloth, complete, irresistible, certain and inevitable. 

Style: Russian Imperial Stout
Hops:  Northern Brewer, Willamette
Malts: Simpsons Golden Promise, Roast Barley, Dark Crystal, Flaked Oats
Yeast: House Ale
Adjuncts: Sugar

Availability: 220z bombers, draft.

12% ABV

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