Posted in Orpheus Brewing, Coming Soon

Orpheus Over and Over, a new pineapple sour

Orpheus Over and Over

Orpheus Over and Over is joining the brewery’s year-round lineup in the near future.

Pineapple is the centerpiece of this new kettle-soured ale. The brewery added the fresh pineapple juice to the first batch this week. While Orpheus Over and Over is a reference to Greek prophet Orpheus, we’re pretty sure just “over and over” is how often you’ll want to drink this new release as well.

The grievous cycle of transmigration of souls could only be broken after the mysteries of the gods were revealed to Orpheus. Those mysteries have been lost to time, so enjoy your endless loop. We packed as much pineapple and brightness as we could into this small, tart beer, for an experience you’ll actually want to repeat over and over.

Orpheus Over and Over will debut in July on draft first, with 12 ounce cans to follow shortly after.

Style: Sour/Wild Ale (w/ Pineapple)
Availability: 12oz Cans, Draft.

Debut: July, 2017

4% ABV

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