Posted in Coming Soon, Victory Brewing Company

Oh Hai. It’s Victory Swing

Victory Swing

This wreeks of Spring. Victory Brewing Co’s (Downingtown, PA) Swing Saison. A session saison. Session? Lower ABV. Drink more, pee more, throw up less. Easy drinking at 4.5% ABV

Swing. Its a lively jou rhythm, a vigorous sway, a change of view or even a roil in the proverbial hay. Now, it also means the welcome jolt of joy you’ll experience upon your first sip of this session saison. Bracing but benign, this Reigian.styie ale enlivens any experience with a spicy, aromatic start, citrus snap and fresh finish. Swing into spring with taste! 

Style: Saison

Availability: 12oz bottles
Arrival: TBA

4.5% ABV

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