Posted in Beer News

North Carolina Launches Brewers’ Cup

North Carolina celebrates the launch of the NC Brewers’ Cup this month.  The competition is separated into two parts, a commercial (professional) portion, and a home brewing competition.

On June 16th, a launch party will be held at The Standard

Celebrate the launch of the North Carolina Brewers’ Cup, a professional and homebrew beer competition hosted by the North Carolina State Fair, by joining us on June 16, at The Standard. The event will host a panel discussion on the state of North Carolina’s beer scene with a special tasting to follow. All procedes will go to support the NC Brewers’ Cup.

Drink up, and good luck.  North Carolina, you’ve got a lot going on lately.

The Standard
403 West Rosemary Street
Chapel Hill, NC 27516 


@NCBrewersCup, Facebook

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