Great Divide is adding 2 more seasonal beers into its year round lineup — Hoss Rye Lager and Claymore Scotch Ale. Both beers were released in 2009 and made debuts at the Great American Beer Festival (GABF) in Colorado. Hoss and Claymore were so well received, Great Divide decided to go full time with these offerings.
Hoss Rye Lager – is a Marzen/Octoberfest Lager. It is a Marzen full of flavor, with caramel malts and a touch of sweetness. The rye added to this marzen gives Hoss some spice. Mild noble hop notes makes this marzen balanced and drinkable. 6.2% ABV
Claymore Scotch Ale – as the name dictates is a Scotch Ale. Claymore draws its name from a medieval sword. This malt forward beer is a tribute to the Scottish Wee Heavy style. At 7.7%, the alcohol gives the drinker a warming sensation. A quite tasty Scotch Ale.
Both are now available year round in bottle and draft offerings.