Tiny is a misnomer. There is nothing tiny about it. This is the first release of Tiny by Weyerbacher Brewing (Easton, PA) or is it?
The details surrounding Tiny have been a secret kept by the brewery, except for the style, and its relationship to a previous brew – Weyerbacher XIII (or 13th Anniversary.) Both Tiny and XIII are Belgian Imperial Stouts. What are the differences? No clue. The brewery hasn’t gone on record.
Here is XIII’s description –
“Thirteen is a Belgian-inspired Imperial Stout weighing in at 13.6%. This smooth sipper is made with 5 malts and a touch of oats. You’ll find big chocolate and roasted notes, balanced with the Belgian flavors from the Abbey yeast strain. This beer is very smooth and lacks the astringency you sometimes find in these huge Imperial Stouts.”
Tiny doesn’t match up in ABV – as it barely breaks 12%. The differences will come out soon. In the meantime, get tasting.
Availability – 750 ML Corked & Caged Bottles only. No draft. Small batches in all markets Weyerbacher is distributed. Rumored will be brewed again this winter.
4/26 – In Stock, Hop City. (Have it? Leave a comment & I’ll post)
Weyerbacher Tiny, Verbotten, and Blasphemy 2011 In stock at Tully’s Beer & Wine, Wells, Maine. Maybe Atlantans don’t hop skip and jump here all the time, but I read your stuff constantly.
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Thank you for reading!!! You know what I find? People keep places in mind when they travel…