A couple of weeks ago, the first of the rebranded Clipper City series finally made it out of Baltimore, MD. That was the Marzen, offered year round. The next rebrand is here – the very popular Pale Ale. Prior to this release, both the Pale Ale and the Marzen pretty much local beers only. Pale Ale is an American Pale Ale, that is both hoppy and malty. Ingredients –
Hops – Fuggle, Golding, Cascade
Malts – Uncertain, but caramel flavors play a big role.
In this Pale Ale, you will note piney floral hops, with some citrus, with some bitter citrus in the finish. Malt are in no way an afterthought with this ale. Pale Ale is clean, balanced and very drinkable, and since the ABV is fairly low, very session able. (5% or less.)
Availability – 12oz/ 6pks year round. Draft offerings also. Estimated retail around $9.00
4.7% ABV