The Asheville City Council confirmed today that it has been in talks with New Belgium about an East Coast Brewery location. New Belgium is seeking tax breaks for the new establishment and it is not clear whether or not they will be given at this time. It is rumored that there could be a $2-$3 million tax break in exchange for bringing approximately 30 jobs to the city of Asheville.
It is also rumored that not all small breweries in Asheville are in favor of this possible New Belgium facility for fear that it would destroy their small town beer scene and hurt their economy. Oscar Wong of Highland Brewing stated that he was not against them entering Asheville and does not think it would hurt the economy, however he does not feel that the incentives are necessary.
A rising tide raises all ships….
New Belgium will in no way hurt their economy. Completely impossible and the exact opposite would happen…has happened. They in turn will help their small town beer scene as they have here in Fort Collins. NBB is all about community, sustainability, and responsibility. Embrace change and the joy of your community being strengthened. Cheers!