To coincide with entering the Great Lakes State, New Belgium Brewing and Michigan-based Brewery Vivant are launching the first of two collaborative beers. The first, called “Escoffier”, is being brewed in Grand Rapids and will be distributed through Brewery Vivant’s network. The beer is named after the French master chef of the same name, and crafted to go hand in hand with the food-beer experience. It’s deep amber in color and uses one of Brewery Vivant’s house Belgian yeast strains, as well as wild yeast from New Belgium called Brettanomyces Bruxellensis.
A release party is scheduled at Brewery Vivant on August 27, followed by a Michigan release of draft and signature 16-ounce cans. The beer will also be available in Chicago when Vivant begins distribution there in October.
A second beer will be brewed in Fort Collins and released through New Belgium Brewing’s national network. It will be part of the Lips of Faith series, available in 22-ounce bombers and draft in November.
“Michigan has already been a great partner with a broad network of breweries, distributors and beer lovers,” said Bryan Simpson, New Belgium’s spokesman. “Working with Brewery Vivant has been a great way to meet and work with local brewers while making something new and unique for both breweries.”
New Belgium is working with 22 Michigan distributors to distribute its beer.
About New Belgium Brewing Company
New Belgium Brewing Company, makers of Fat Tire Amber Ale and a host of Belgian-inspired beers, began operations in a tiny Fort Collins basement in 1991. Today, the third largest craft brewer in the U.S., New Belgium produces nine year-round beers; Fat Tire Amber Ale, Sunshine Wheat, Ranger IPA, Belgo IPA, Shift Pale Lager, Blue Paddle Pilsner, 1554 Black Ale, Abbey and Trippel, as well as a host of seasonal releases. In addition to producing world-class beers, New Belgium takes pride in being a responsible corporate role model with progressive programs such as employee ownership, open book management and a commitment to environmental stewardship. For more information, visit