Posted in Coming Soon, Elysian Brewing, New Belgium

New Belgium & Elysian Create “Kick”

New Belgium Brewing (Ft. Collins, CO) is collaborating with Elysian Brewing (Seattle, WA).  This is a pumpkin-y beer, like the soon to be collaboration just announced by Stone Brewing & The Bruery.  “Kick” is bound for the Lips Of Faith series by NB.  The beer as the label reveals, is a funky pumpkin meets cranberry ale.  80% is an ale with pumpkin & cranberry juice.  20% is an ale aged in wooden barrels.  [Speculation: Elysian has a Dark Sour Pumpkin Ale that just appeared on RateBeer. Might have a relationship.]

We get a kick out of collaborating.  Havesting the creativity of Kim Jordan of New Belgium and Dick Cantwell of Elysian produced this ruby-hued, slightly sour, pumpkin, cranberry ale. It’s a treat that does the trick.

Style: Pumpkin Beer

Availability: 22oz bombers, draft.

8.5% ABV

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