Jester King Aurelian Lure, the Austin, Texas brewery’s oak barrel sour ale, will make its 2016 appearance on Friday, September 16th.
Jester King Aurelian Lure is a sour/wild beer brewed with apricots. For the 2014 release the brewery minimized the contact time with the apricots to reduce the amount of citric acid in the beer. In addition, the sour base beer is a blend of mature beer from oak, low in lactic acid.
Due to limitations in fermentation space, and the limited amount of mature, barrel-aged sour beer the brewery has for blending, (thanks to high demand for fruited sours) this year’s release is limited to just 900 bottles. 2015 saw a batch of 5000.
Jester King Aurelian Lure is available in the brewery’s tap room in 500 ml bottles starting September 16th.
Style: American Wild Ale (w/ Apricots. Oak Aged)
Availability: 500ml bottles. 900 bottles available.
Latest Return: 9/16/16
6% ABV
Image via Jester King