The Wall Street Journal recently published an article outlining industry, tech, and start up hotspots in the United States. There is no surprise that brewing made this list. Specifically Asheville, North Carolina.
The Asheville brewing scene ranks among cities like Albany, NY, San Antonio, TX, and Kansas City, MO with emerging IT and technology buisnesses.
“Asheville, a Blue Ridge Mountain town of 75,000, has 10 breweries, with two on the way. That can’t compare with the 40 in Portland, Ore., but it stacks up to other beer havens like Milwaukee and Boulder, Colo., which both have fewer than a dozen. “Asheville is definitely on the map and well recognized in the craft-brewing industry,” says Paul Gatza, director of the Brewers Association in Boulder.”
Asheville is home to 10 breweries currently, including: Green Man, French Broad, Asheville Brewing Company, and Highland. There are at least two more breweries “in planning” to operate in Asheville. [WallStreetJournal]
Graphic: WallStreetJournal