Heavy Seas has done some great things this year. The mutiny fleet as been impressive, they’re marzen has won it’s 5th consecutive medal in5 years at GABF. Winter Storm is the late fall/early winter beer that is part of the 12oz Pyrate Fleet.
Commercial Description:
Our winter ale brewed with copious helpings of English malts and both U.S. and English hops making it a ruddy hued Imperial ESB in style. Full malty flavors dancing with powerful hop aromas and a lingering yet firm hop bitterness.
Style: ESB. Although you will see it classed as an American Strong Ale
Taste Expectations: Subtle touch of raisins, dark fruits, & caramel. Hops are grassy, and herbal.
Food Pairings: Sharp cheddar, stews, grilled ribs.
Availability: 12oz/6 pks. Draft. Oct-Dec seasonally.
7.5% ABV