Harpoon Brewery’s Imperial Pumpkin has hit the shelves. This new offering from Harpoon started as a test batch of a porter with pumpkin puree from UFO Pumpkin added. It turned out to be pretty darn good, warranting a larger release this year.
The base brew is essentially an imperial stout with a pumpkin side, plus molasses, and spices added in for a fall treat. Look for it now until it sells out.
Style: Imperial Stout (w/ Pumpkin, Molasses, Cinnamon, Nutmeg)
Availability: 22oz bombers. Limited Draft.
10.5% ABV
Last fall our brewers were improvising a new beer in our 10-barrel kettle. We had some fresh pumpkin puree leftover from a recent brew of our UFO Pumpkin, so the brewers threw that in the kettle with a bit of molasses, cinnamon, nutmeg, and some roasted malts. It turned out to be delicious, so we thought we’d share it with everyone. – See more at: http://www.harpoonbrewery.com/beer/1663/Imperial-Pumpkin#sthash.344kkfzD.dpuf
Style: Imperial Pumpkin Ale (w/ Molasses, Nutmeg, Cinnamon