Posted in Hangar 24, New Releases

Hangar 24 First Crush, June 27th

Hangar 24 First Crush

Hangar 24 First Crush, a sour ale with Syrah grape juice, aged in red wine barrels goes on sale June 27th.

To create Hangar 24 First Crush, the brewery blend their stock of Syrah wine barrels that contain sour red ale. The mix of 18 month old barrels, plus the grape juice addition give the beer a unique character.

…the addition of Syrah grape juice after primary fermentation adds vinous, tannic notes of red wine, ripe fruit and leather.

Hangar 24 First Crush is available in 750ml bottles, when the brewery opens on June 27th. $20 per bottle, no limit. Releasing alongside another sour, Sanquinello.

Style: American Wild/Sour Ale (w/ Grape Juice. Wine Barrel Aged)
Availability: 750ml Bottles
Release: 6/27/15

?? ABV

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