Posted in Half Acre Brewing

Half Acre Changes Heyoka to Senita Pale Ale

Half Acre Senita

Half Acre Brewing (Chicago, IL) is renaming Heyoka India Pale Ale to Senita India Pale Ale.

Recently, members of the Lakota community (Native Americans from the Great Plans of the United States)  reached out to Half Acre about the use of “Heyoka.” Heyoka, translates roughly to “jester.” The Lakota community was disappointed in Half Acre’s use of the word.

Recently, some members of the Lakota community reached out with disappointment in our usage of the word and requested that we stop. We didn’t and aren’t going to spend any time defending or explaining our use of the word. We’re simply making the right choice and respecting their wishes.

The conversations with the Lakota people were very positive, says Half Acre. The brewery found it to be learning opportunity. From now on, Heyoka will be know as Half Acre Senita India Pale Ale. “Senita” is the name of a cactus.

The brand changes will take place immediately.

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