Posted in Brewery Expansions, Don't Miss This, Half Acre Brewing

Half Acre to Open Second Brewery

Chicago’s Half Acre Brewery will spend their 2014 building a second brewery just a stone’s throw from their original location.

The new spot is less than two miles from the current location on Lincoln Avenue.  To give you a little understanding of size, the current location produces around 13,000 barrels (400,000 gallons) of beer annually.

The new location on Balmoral Avenue is nearly four times the size of the current 13,000 square foot location. This will allow the brewery to better serve Illinois before ever reaching even further.  The larger facility will brew the bulk of Half Acre’s year round offerings, allowing the current location to serve as a playground for seasonals and one-offs.

The current timeline has the brewery functional in late October. The addition of a restaurant and taproom are in the plans too, with no timeline on their completion.

The new spot will be located on 2050 W. Balmoral Ave,  Chicago, IL.

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