Having issues with your glass growlers? The Bräuler seeks to fix that. Glass breaks. The Brauler is indestructible. This piece of beer-gineering is made of food grade stainless steel. (No chipping. No cracking.) This kick ass beer tote was created by The Zythos Project, a Portland, Oregon based engineering firm. The mouth is 1.75″ wide, with deep threading to prevent carbonation loss. The collar actually boasts accessories beyond the basic cap, including a bail top (swing top) and a CO2 counter pressure cap .
This cadillac of growlers comes with a 100% guarantee. If for some reason you break it, The Zythos Project will replace it. They can be laser etched – with brewery names, QR codes, websites, etc. Fair warning, some states require government warnings to be legal for fill. Might require some initial etching investments before your local growler bar/shop will fill it. $TBA. <ZythosProject>
co2 tap cap would be awesome.