Posted in Founders Brewing, Seasonal Return

Founder’s Double Trouble Returns

If you are a fan of Bell’s Hopslam, hops, and big ipas, I hope you haven’t overlooked this beer.  This seasonal beer from Founder’s Brewing is sure to please the most discerning hop fan.

Commercial Description:
An imperial IPA that was brewed to turn your world upside down. Hops will get you coming and going. Pungent aromatics up front pair with a malt-balanced backbone and a smooth bitter finish

Style: Imperial IPA

Taste Expectations: Hops abound in this beer. Citrus, floral, piney, herbally. Caramel malts. Bitter, & sweet.

Availability: 12 oz/ 4pks. Draft. Jan-April, seasonally.

9.4% ABV

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