Flying Dog Brewing has created Brewhouse Rarities, a limited release series coming your way in 2012. The beers won’t be limited to just tap room, but around the mid-atlantic region.
- Styles include: Imperial Hefeweizen, Black Lager with cherries, and Belgian Dubbel.
The first in the series Imperial Hefeweizen. Per FD:
- ABV: 7.3%
- Specialty Malts: Malted White Wheat, Flaked Wheat
- Hops: German Perle
- Appearance: Robust gold with healthy yeast haze
- Aroma: Sweet malt with banana and clove undertones
- Mouthfeel: Full-bodied and highly effervescent
- Taste: Bready with banana and bubblegum fruitiness
- Finish: Crisp snap of malt and spice
- Food Pairings: Washed rind cheeses, green apple, nuts, artisan bread, key lime pie
Arrival: 1 per month, starting in January, 2012