Posted in Duclaw Brewing, New Releases

DuClaw El Kabong, with chilies & apricots

DuClaw El Kabong bottle

DuClaw El Kabong is the latest release by the Maryland brewer.

The base beer is brewed with two types of chilies, as well as apricot. The brewery doesn’t mention the base beer style, the than “ale”.

This medium bodied, clear copper ale is crisp & lively, with a surprisingly refreshing mix of deep, dark, fruit sweetness and spicy accents of Chile de Arbol & Ancho Chilie that is at once shocking and throughly drinkable.

DuClaw El Kabong is a 12 ounce bottle offering.

Style: Fruit Beer (w/ Apricots, Chilies)
Availability: 12oz Bottles, Draft. Seasonal
Release: Early March, 2016

6% ABV

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