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Cigar City’s Indie Rock Dark Ale

Cigar City Black Whole

Cigar City Black Whole

Cigar City Brewing’s Wayne Wambles used to be an indie rocker before brewing.  This next beer “Black Whole” celebrates the friendship between Wambles and front man Kenny Johnson of El Chupa Cobras from Birmingham, Alabama.  The label pretty much gives you all you need to know:

Black Whole is a tribute to El Chupa Cobras, a math indie band from Montgomery, Alabama.  This effort came about from our realization that craft beer and indie music have something in common… they both share about the same amount of their respectful markets and challenge the consumer.  Wayne Wambles, our head brewer, and Kenny Johnson, the front man from El Chupa Cobras, played in indie bands together many years ago and this tribute is for all indie music fans and craft beer lovers.

Black Whole is a multidimensional ale that takes many twists and turns similar to our daily lives.  It has a big chocolate expression with moderate caramel notes, complex toasted to biscuit notes and hints of clove and black licorice.  Don your chocolate mask and discover the meaning of life as you sip this complex, dark beer.

Style: American Strong Ale
Availability: 12oz bottles.  Some draft.
Arrival: TBA

8% ABV

A little El Chupa Cobras for you via YouTube. Song is called “Multidimensional Living…

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