Posted in Cigar City Brewing, New Releases

Cigar City Imperial Milk Porter

Cigar City Imperial Milk Porter

Cigar City Imperial Milk Porter, released in 2011.  

The barrels are Stranahan Colorado Whiskey barrels.  Milk Porter in Stranahan. Sounds like a silky smooth whiskey winner.

So, what you have here is a high gravity porter brewed with lactose and aged in whiskey barrels.  It tastes like catching your favorite song on the radio with hints of the parking meter expiring, but not getting a ticket.  It’s good.

Cigar City Imperial Milk Porter was available for a limited time in 750-milliliter bottles.

Style: Milk Porter (Barrel Aged. Whiskey)
750 ml bottles.  Draft
Debut: 2011
Status: Retired


2 thoughts on “Cigar City Imperial Milk Porter

    • Big Michigan,

      They are approved for the local market. Cigar City is working to ramp up production for a successful launch… soon they hope –

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