Posted in Cigar City Brewing, New Beers

Cigar City Ales for ALS Session IPA

Cigar City Ales for ALS

Cigar City Ales for ALS Session IPA, blends tropical flavors for a noble cause.

Loftus Ranches and Hopunion created Ales for ALS to support a very worthy cause: ALS research. They provided a proprietary hop blend to brewers who wished to participate in the cause. The blend offers huge tropical aromas and flavors with some notes of pine, orange, blueberry, and watermelon. Portions of the proceeds from sales of this Session IPA will go to the ALS Therapy Development Institute. Visit for more info on the cause and the hop blend.

Cigar City Ales for ALS Session IPA contains a hop blend of Equinox, HBC 291, Mosaic, HBC 620, HBC 344, HBC 348, and HBC 522.


Style: IPA, (Session)
Release: TBA

??? % ABV

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