I had the pleasure of speaking with brewer Kurt Kroll this morning about Heavy Seas’s upcoming release of “Smoke on the Water.” Smoke is an imperial porter with a touch of smoke. It debuts on cask tomorrow at Cypress Street for the FIRST TIME on the east coast!!! According to Heavy Seas, Atlanta will have a taste of this new beer even before Baltimore, Maryland (Heavy Seas home) will. Feel special yet? (You better! Start making plans.)
The Mutiny Fleet is a lot like a side project series for Heavy Seas Brewing. Actually its more a like a showcase – a spotlight where brewers can show off. Kurt Kroll designed this recipe; Smoke on the Water is his baby. In addition, Kurt is the artistic talent behind the Mutiny Fleet labels. (Personal interjection: Kurt, they are badass.) Smoke is first and foremost a porter. It was brewed at lower gravity in order to dry it out a bit on back end, giving the beer a bit more porter character. The smoke is subtle. Intentionally being a touch, not a flavor blast. Smoked rauch malt was used for this recipe – no liquid malt.
Ingredients –
Hops – German Noble hop strains. No aroma hops used
Malts – Smoked Rauch Malts from Germany
Availability – 22 oz bomber bottles (being bottled at Heavy Seas today) Draft offerings, but unspecified. Cask
8% ABV
Again, this beer debuts tomorrow on gravity cask at Cypress Street, part of Beer Geek Tuesday
Cypress Street, 7pm
Ste E125, 817 West Peachtree Street
Atlanta, GA 30308
(404) 815-9243
Twitter: @CypressStreet
Special thanks to Kurt Kroll, and Kelly at Heavy Seas for their time!!!