Posted in Brewdog, Brewery Expansions

BrewDog New Brewery Begins Construction This Month

With the help of Equity for Punks BrewDog has selected a winning bid, Mansell, who will begin construction on the new brewery on Monday, February 27th.  Mansell has given early July as an estimated completion time for the new building.  This means equipment will be installed in August, commissioning in September, and brewing by October or November.

The new brewery is being built at the 3.6 acre site at Balmacassie purchased by BrewDog last year.  Only one of these acres will be developed for now leaving lots of room for future expansion when needed.  There will be 25 new jobs created immediately with the new location, but eventually 50+ more will be added over the next five years.  Also, the deal for the new brewhouse has been finalized as well.  The German company Rolec (who also did work for Stone, Lagunitas, Brooklyn, and more) has been selected.  The image above shows the layout for the new brewhouse.

Another note, BrewDog Nottingham should be opening around February 25th.  BrewDog Leeds has signed their paperwork.  BrewDog Newcastle will begin work later this week.


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