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Atlanta area gas station pulls Sam Adams ahead of Super Bowl

First of all, we had no clue that an Exxon gas station in Gainesville, Georgia has a Facebook page. Then again, why not?

The 2017 Super Bowl approaches; a showdown between the Atlanta Falcons and New England Patriots. One Exxon gas station is showing their fandom in the store’s beer cooler. Until this year’s game has been played, it won’t be selling Sam Adams.

The sign above is currently on the store’s beer cooler, and shared on their Facebook page. Additionally, they are going a step further and promoting Atlanta based SweetWater Brewing Company instead.

….we’re promoting your ATLANTA based beer instead so if you guys want to send us to the Super Bowl we wouldn’t hate ya for it 

This move comes days after Boston Globe reporter Barry Chin wrote a scathing piece on the boredom that will be the Super Bowl because it’s hard to feel anything for Atlanta fans and their zero enthusiasm for their own sports teams.

The only two spectator sports that matter in Atlanta are college football . . . and spring college football.

Looks like an Exxon station north of the city just taught their fans how to #RiseUp.

Insert your deflate jokes here.

Image: Browns Bridge Exxon

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