Posted in Atlanta Beer Week, Beer News

Announcing Atlanta Beer Week 2011!

Bigger. Better. Bolder.  Announcing Atlanta Beer Week 2011.  Atlanta’s beer scene is rapidly growing into one of the largest in the United States.  It’s time to have a beer week that reflects that.  The 2011 Beer Week will have more breweries, more taps, more casks & more events, & more places than last year.  We’re growing, so should our beer week right?

The dates for this year’s Atlanta Beer Week is October 1st -8th, 2011.    Plenty of time to get psyched up.  The landing page is up and ready to go, so get on the email list to hear about everything going on as it unfolds.

Get Thirsty.  This year  will change things.  <AtlantaBeerWeek>

Want to contact Atlanta Beer Week? Click the contact button above.  We’d love to hear from you.

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