Posted in Anchor Brewing, Beer News, Brewery Expansions

Anchor Will Break Production Record This Year, New Brewery A Maybe

There are big things brewing at Anchor. (Pun intended). Greg Kitsock writes in the Washington Post today, that Anchor should break their production output record this year. For the San Francisco based brewery – that’s just 110,000 barrels (3.4 million gallons) up from 90,000 barrels.  That’s not that big, all things considered. SweetWater in Atlanta is jumping from a potential 100,000 barrels a year to 500,000 capacity. Anchor just installed more tanks, with a couple more on the way.

Another little note – Mark Carpenter, Anchor’s 69 year old brewmaster says another brewery is an inevitability. When and where? I guess we’ll wait and see.

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