Posted in Beer News

America Tweets More About Church Than Beer

If you are looking to Twitter to see some cultural differences in the United States, look no further. has already sorted that out for you. The website is the brainchild of various doctors of geography, who took to the task of aggregating info about two major cultural divides – The words: “beer” and “church.”

The website recently conducted a study to see which Americans tweet more about – beer or church.  As it turns out, it’s church. That answer was found by aggregating more than 10 million geotagged tweets across the United States from June 22 – June 29th, 2012.  17,686 tweets mentioned “church,” while 14,405 tweets were about “beer.”

As you can see from the website’s map, the southeast tweets more about church than anywhere else in the U.S. The most beer tweeting city?  San Francisco (191 to 46, church to beer). The most church tweeting city – Dallas, Texas (178 to 83). [FloatingSheep]

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