Anchor Brewing Company officially announced their Christmas Ale for 2012. This year marks year #38 for the brew. That’s 38 recipes. Each label is as different as the beer itself, each label is a hand drawn tree.
Since ancient times, trees have symbolized the winter solstice when the earth, with its seasons, appears born anew. For this year’s Christmas Ale, we have selected the Norfolk Island pine. Captain Cook discovered this South Seas isle and its native tree in 1774. These tropical-looking conifers, which thrive in sandy soil and coastal climes, were first planted in California in the 1850s. The Norfolk Island pine on this year’s label resides in San Francisco’s Golden Gate Park.
Anchor Christmas Ale is very cellarable, so drink some now, and some for years to come
Style: Winter Warmer
Availability: 12oz bottles, 1.5 L bottles, Draft. Nov – January. Seasonally
?? ABV
when can i buy?
5.5 abv – on the label.