Don’t have enough cash to start your own brewery? Ask for it. And that’s exactly what Nate & Mike, Wilderness Brewing founders did.
The duo used to help get the project off the ground. The website is is an online threshold pledge system for funding creative projects. “Kickstarter has funded a diverse array of endeavors, ranging from indie film and music to journalism and food-related projects.” Asking a mere $40,000, today they crossed their threshold.
We are passionate about better beer and the artistic expression present in the creation of the many beers we have brewed at home. We want to create a wider network of friends, family, and local community who can enjoy our artisan beer. In order to create that network we need to brew more than the five-gallon amounts that we currently make on the stove at home. Our project is to buy all the necessary equipment and obtain all the proper licensing we need in order to artistically brew our beer in 60-gallon amounts, known as “Nano Brewing.”
The brewery will be based out of Kansas City, Missouri. Check out their video appeal for funding.