Posted in Allagash Brewing, Bell's Brewing, Casks, Heavy Seas, Now Tapping, Shmaltz Brewing

The Porter Beer Bar Hosts – Firkin Madness!

The Porter Beer Bar, nestled in Little 5 Points kicks off “Firkin Madness Week” starting tonight!  Owner Molly Gunn has set up a great lineup of firkins, each tapping at 6 pm, and flowing until gone.

Here’s the lineup —

Tuesday (Note — Porter closes at 11 pm today)

Bells Two Hearted Ale — IPA, 7% ABV.  Lots of Centennial Hop flavors.  Pale & Caramel Malts.


Allagash Black — Belgian Stout, 7.5% ABV.  German 2 Row Barley, Torrified Wheat, Oats.  Belgian Dark Candy sugar. Hints of chocolate and coffee.


Schmaltz Lenny’s RIPA – Double IPA, 10% ABV.  Boasts Warrior, Cascade, Simcoe, Crystal, Chinook, Amarillo, Centennial.  Dry hopped w/ Simcoe, Amarillo, Crystal.  Lots of malts too.


Heavy Seas Loose Cannon Hop3 Ale —IPA, 7.2% ABV.  3lbs hops per barrel, hopped 3 times.  Great on cask!

Aventinus Eisbock –  Eisbock, 12% ABV.  Highly rated bock.  Slightly boozy, with malts and caramelized sugars.  Dark fruit flavors.


T’Smidje Reserve — Details forthcoming…

Again, it all kicks off Today (1/19/10) at 6 pm. New cask every night through Saturday.

The Porter Beer Bar
1156 Euclid Ave NE,
Atlanta, GA 30307

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