Without further ado, Terrapin Brewing’s Wake & Bake 2010 has arrived. Wake & Bake is an amazingly tasty oatmeal imperial stout featuring coffee from Jittery Joes in Athens, Georgia. W-n-B (as the bottle states this year) is part of Terrapin’s “Monster Beer Tour” series
Commerical Description:
Black as night, this coffee stout is thick, rich and full of real coffee flavor. Brewed with the Terrapin Wake-n-Bake coffee blend created by Terrapin & Jittery Joe’s Coffee.
Beer Rundown:
Style: Imperial Stout
Hops: Chinook, Northern Brewer
Malts: 2- Row Pale Malt, Flaked Oats, Flaked Barley, Chocolate Malt, Black Malt & Roasted Barley
Coffee: Premium blend of Costa Rican, Guatemalan, & Zimbabwe : Premium blend of Costa Rican, Guatemalan, & Zimbabwe
Taste Expectations: Lots of coffee, mixed w/ malt sweetness with a bit of chocolate. Creamy, smooth, complex.
Availability: 12oz/4 packs. Some draft. Special casks.
Cellar: Yes. Brewery recommends 2-3 years. (Under proper conditions)
8.1% ABV
Wake & Bake coffee blend is available to order! –> TerrapinBeer.com