Posted in Brewery Expansions, Terrapin Beer Company

Terrapin Doubling Capacity, Adding Jobs

Terrapin celebrates 10 years this Saturday.  On the eve of their anniversary, the brewery is in the process of expanding the overall capacity.  The expansion doesn’t come a minute too soon, as the brewery hasn’t been able to keep up.

Over dinner last fall, I asked John Cochran about the state of affairs at the brewery.  The orders for Terrapin products are nearly 1/3 more than they were currently producing.  Crude numbers looked like this – Production 19,000 barrels.  Demand: Close to 30,000 barrels.   Not a bad position to be in.

The Terrapin family is around 30 employees.  The brewery expansion will require 30 more jobs to be added, in the brewhouse and packing lines.

New Equipment.

Eight 200-barrel fermenters are on order, along side a shiny new brewhouse.   When the expansion is complete, the brewery should be able to produce nearly 40,000 barrels (1,240,000 million gallons) of beer annually.   The 10th Anniverary Carnival is this Saturday in Athens, Georgia. (P.S. Almost sold out.)


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