Posted in Tallgrass Brewing, New Releases

New year-round: Tallgrass Backpacker Brown

Tallgrass Backpacker Brown

Tallgrass Backpacker Brown joins the Manhattan, Kansas brewery’s year-round lineup this fall.

The brown ale boasts a toasty, caramel-like aroma, hopped with Chinook, Crystal, and Centennial hops.

Dark malts give it a rich, robust mouthfeel and a toasty, caramel-like aroma, with a generous dose of Northwestern hops providing a tasty balance of resiny and citrus hop flavors.

Tallgrass Backpacker Brown hits draft in late-September, early October. 16 ounce cans will be on shelves by late October.

Style: Brown Ale
Hops: Chinook, Crystal, Centennial
Malts: 2Row Pale, Munich, Black, C60, Victory, Carapils

Availability: 16oz Cans, Draft. Year-round.
Debut: September/October, 2016

6.2% ABV

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