Topic Archives: Three
A year in the making. Three Taverns Brettannicus debuts July 15th
Three Taverns Brettannicus debuts Saturday, July 15th.
Following in the footsteps of Fortunatus is Three Taverns Brettannicus, a 100% Brettanomyces fermented farmhouse ale. The brewery used their saison malt base of pilsner, spelt, and wheat, then fermented in stainless steel tanks with Brett.
After primary fermentation, the beer was transferred to red wine barrels to mature. It has been bottle conditioning since late 2016. All in all, Brettannicus has been a year in the making.
…This newest release from our Funk Yard makes no apologies for in your face funk.
Three Taverns Brettannicus will be available in 375 milliliter, corked & caged bottles at the Decatur, Georgia brewery on Saturday. $12 dollars each.
Style: American Wild Ale (Red Wine Aged)
Availability: 375ml Bottles, Corked & Caged.
Debut: 7/15/17
?? ABV