Topic Archives: Peanuts

Posted in Orpheus Brewing, Coming Soon

Orpheus Brewing’s Stouts All the Way Down gains 16th release

Orpheus - Stouts All the Way Down Vol 16

Orpheus Brewing Stouts All the Way Down Vol 16 debuts on September 3rd, a part of the brewery’s “Year 7” Anniversary. 

This is the 16th iteration of the brewery’s ongoing Stouts All the Way Down Series started an imperial stout aged in Heaven Hill Bourbon barrels. Which as odd as it sounds now, was very unique upon release (around the brewery’s 5th anniversary. Why? No vanilla, lactose, cereal, or other food. Just a barrel-aged imperial stout -something we basically forgot about. 

The series name draws from the mythological idea of a world turtle that supports a flat earth on its back. That turtle rests on a larger turtle, and that turtle on a… you get the idea. The stack of turtles continues indefinitely. It’s a popular example of the regress argument in epistemology. If you want to deep dive into a logical wormhole, read up on the term “infinite regress.”

This particular [Turtle] in the series is an imperial stout aged in bourbon barrels with honey roasted peanuts and strawberries. 

Stouts All the Way Down Volume 16 will Bev available in 12.7oz bottles at the brewery starting September 3rd. 

Style: Imperial Stout (w/ Honey Roasted Peanuts. Strawberries. Barrel-Aged. Bourbon.)
Availability: 12.7oz Bottles. Limited Release

Debut: 9/3/21

13% ABV

MORE: Orpheus Year 7 Releases

Posted in Catawba Brewing, Don't Miss This, Seasonal Return

“PB & J in a glass” Catawba Peanut Butter Jelly Time returns with new variants

Catawba Peanut Butter Jelly Time WM

Catawba Peanut Butter Jelly Time is like drinking a piece of your childhood. If you haven’t tried this beer, another opportunity is rolling around this week.

Brewed with raspberries and aged on peanuts, this beer takes you back to a simpler time. A time before bills, complicated relationships, acne breakouts, and hangovers. As anyone that has made a PB&J sandwich, the ratio of peanut butter to jelly is paramount. Catawba knows this too and it shows in this alcoholic sandwich of a beer.

Does it really taste like the sandwich? Pretty much. Brewing with peanut butter and a jelly sugar blob isn’t the greatest of ideas. To get around serving up a greasy glass of nasty, Catawba created a base roasty brown ale, aged for weeks on fresh raspberries and peanuts. When this beer is colder, it tastes like peanut butter. Warmer, more sticky jelly notes to surface. Because Peanut Butter Jelly Time is a brown ale instead of a stout, it’s more approachable to those that might be turned off by dark beer. It should be served in a lunchbox between math class and recess.

Last year, the brewery canned a variant – Strawberry Rhubarb which returns again this year in cans only to be found in the taproom.

New for 2020, are two new additional brewery only variants – PBJT! Peach and PBJT! Red Currant.

Catawba Peanut Butter Jelly Time! is available in 16-ounce cans in the taproom starting March 6th, available in Catawbas’s five-state distribution area in the following days.

Style: Brown Ale (w/ Raspberries, Peanuts)
Hops: Magnum, Fuggle
Availability: 16oz Cans, Draft.
Latest Return: March 2020

5.75% ABV

PIC: Beer Street Journal. 2020 can art is seen below. 


Posted in Wild Leap Brew Co., Don't Miss This, New Releases

Think Cracker Jacks with a hangover: Wild Leap Prize Inside Stout delivers

Wild Leap Prize Inside can

Wild Leap Prize Inside Cracker Jack Stout hits shelves, where the beer IS the prize inside.

This new imperial stout is basically the boozy beer equivalent of Cracker Jacks. The stout is brewed with peanuts, caramel, and caramel malt. Think of it like that childhood box of popcorn, but with a potential for a hangover with overindulgence.

The prize inside? It’s the beer for sure. So many of these dessert-inspired imperial stouts go overboard with the flavor semblances to their sugary inspirations. Wild Leap opted for a more subtle flavor, and in our opinion that makes a better beer. After each sip of Prize Inside, you are left with a lingering aroma of the iconic caramel popcorn, leading you ready for another sip. It’s not cloying, heavy, or overwhelming. (And pairs perfectly with real Cracker Jacks, BTW.)

Wild Leap Prize Inside is available in 12-ounce cans and draft for a limited time.

Style: Imperial Stout (w/ Peanuts. Caramel.)
Availability: 12oz Cans, Draft.
Debut: Early February 2019

8.5% ABV, 30 IBUs

Posted in Catawba Brewing, Coming Soon, Don't Miss This

Catawba’s Peanut Butter Jelly Time returns with new Strawberry Rhubarb variant

Catawba Peanut Butter Jelly Time Strawberry Rhubarb

The “peanut butter jelly sandwich in a glass” beer returns on March 1st, and this year it arrives with new variants.

Catawba Peanut Butter Jelly Time launched in 2012 – a bready brown ale brewed with wheat, raspberry puree, and North Carolina peanuts. Every year the release has grown in popularity prompting special taproom release parties.

This year, look for Catawba Peanut Butter Jelly Time Strawberry Rhubarb cans in extremely limited quantities alongside the seasonal favorite. While we couldn’t get confirmation from the brewery, we assume the base recipe is the same, along with strawberry and rhubarb additions.


Alongside the two canned releases, a third release – Black Currant will be available on tap.

Catawba Peanut Butter Jelly Time Strawberry Rhubarb will be available in limited 16-ounce cans and draft in the brewery’s tap room starting March 1st.

Style: Brown Ale (w/ Raspberries. Peanuts. Strawberries. Rhubarb.)
Availability: 16oz Cans, Draft.
Debut: 3/1/19

?? ABV 

Image: Catawba Brewing

Posted in Avery Brewing, New Releases

Avery Nuttiest Professor is a boozy peanut butter cup

Avery Nuttiest Professor bottle

The 45th entry into the Avery’s Barrel-Aged Series isn’t a sour this round, but a huge imperial peanut butter stout.

Avery has actually been working on a peanut butter beer stout for years, but struggled with the peanut flavor. When you add peanuts to beer, the oil kills the bubbles. (Plus peanuts can get a little oily.) In the past, the beers fell a little short on flavor, so they’ve never gone public. That was until Travis Rupp. Avery’s Research and Development Manager joined the process.

Rupp is a professor at the University of Colorado and graces the bottle’s label. He found the same setback while brewing with peanuts as a homebrewer. In order to get it right, Rupp used refined peanut flour for a burst of nutty flavor, then aged in bourbon barrels.


It’s hard to. ignore the 15.2% on the label, or the peanut butter mention. Rupp and his team have really pulled off a great peanut butter based beer. The imperial stout is creamy smooth with hints of chocolate. The peanut flavor really starts to pop as the beer warms. In the end, this is like a boozy Reese’s Peanut Butter Cup.

Avery Nuttiest Professor is available in limited quantities nationally in 12 ounce bottles.

Style: Imperial Stout (w/ Peanuts. Barrel Aged. Bourbon.)
Availability: 12oz Bottles
Debut: Late June, 2017

15.2% ABV

PIC: Beer Street Journal

Posted in The Veil Brewing, New Releases

Chocolate chips & candy bars make The Veil Brewing Double Chocolate Hornswoggler

The Veil Brewing Double Chocolate Hornswoggler Milk Stout can

The Veil Brewing Double Chocolate Hornswoggler, the latest variant in the brewery’s highly sought after dessert beer series, debuts on June 20th.

French Vanilla, Coconut, Oreo Cookie, and Peanut Butter Oreos aren’t just tasty desserts. It describes the magically delicious lineup known as The Veil Brewing’s Hornswoggler. This release started as a smooth milk stout with chocolate. Since then, it’s gotten more and more eccentric. A bit like that guy and his chocolate factory.

Double Chocolate Hornswoggler has been aged on hundreds of pounds of milk chocolate, plus a random mix of actual candy bars. (Some bars containing nuts.) Thanks to the extra sugar transferred to the beer, keep this cold, and drink fresh. Don’t waste it by cellaring it.

Creamy, velvety, scrumdiddlyumptious chocolate river of a stout. ?=amirite?!

The Veil Brewing Double Chocolate Hornswoggler will be available in 16 ounce cans when the brewery opens on June 20th.

Style: Milk Stout (w/ Chocolate Chips, Nuts, Candy Bars, Lactose)
Availability: 16oz Cans. Limited Release.
Debut: 6/20/17

7% ABV

Posted in Back Forty Brewing Co

Badass packaging: Back Forty Peanut Butter Porter

Back Forty Peanut Butter Porter

You’ve heard of comfort food. Meet comfort beer. Back Forty Peanut Butter Porter is easily one of of the best can designs we’ve seen in 2016.

The Gadsden, Alabama based brewery took a porter and aged it on roasted peanuts. They call it comfort food. It really is comfort beer. You see, it’s not easy to brew with anything fatty or oily. Oil destroys the surface tension of bubbles. No bubbles means flat beer. Execution and nuance is key.

It’s creamy, it’s big, it’s just what it sounds like. Brewed with crushed peanuts and a malt bill thick enough to slather on some bread, Peanut Butter Porter belongs on your grocery list right next to the jelly, bananas & bacon.

Back Forty Peanut Butter Porter is a little sweeter than other peanut butter beers out there, which we think is a good thing. It’s a freaking 10.5% alcohol by volume porter with a nutty peanut butter finish. While it’s not just like eating a peanut butter sandwich, it’s definitely not just a beer either. There is truth in the name: Peanut Butter Porter. Plus A-MAZING packaging.

Back Forty Peanut Butter Porter is available now in 12 ounce cans. Don’t worry, there’s no crusts here.

Style: Porter (w/ Peanuts)
Hops: Apollo
Malts: Two Row, C-60, C-80, Midnight Wheat and Chocolate malts

Availability: 12oz Cans
Debut: November, 2016

10.5% ABV