Topic Archives: Mutiny Fleet

Posted in Heavy Seas, Seasonal Return

Heavy Seas Below Decks 2012 On Shelves

Love barleywines? Don’t miss this seasonal release. Heavy Seas Brewing (Baltimore, MD) upgraded this brew to bomber status a couple of years ago. Highly cellerable, and boozy to boot. Each year, three editions are released. The regular edition (above), Cabernet Barrel Aged Below Decks, and Bourbon Below Decks. The barrel aged editions are a few weeks away.

Our English style barleywine — rich, malty, and opulent. Great at time of release but will benefit from bottle aging for many years to come. VINTAGE DATED.

Style: Barleywine (English style, lighter on the hops)
Availability: 22oz bombers.  Some draft.  Nov-Dec seasonal.  Vintage dated

Cellar? Yes

10% ABV

Pic via @AleYeahBeer
Posted in Heavy Seas

Heavy Seas Renames Mutiny Fleet to “Uncharted Waters” Line

Starting in 2013 – Heavy Seas Beer’s Mutiny Fleet will be renamed to the Uncharted Waters line. A few marooned beers from the Mutiny Fleet will return, influenced by wood and barrel aging.

The Mutiny Fleet includes these beers (active or inactive) Aarsh Red, Dig DIPA, Hang Ten, Holy Sheet, Letter Of Marque, Prosit!, Plank I, Plank II, Yule Tide, Land Ho!, Great Pumpkin, Siren Noire, & Below Decks.

Each is available in 22 oz bombers.



Posted in Coming Soon, Heavy Seas

Heavy Seas Adds A Fresh Haarvest

Heavy Seas Brewing (Baltimore, MD) will be adding a wet hopped beer to the Mutiny Fleet this year.

The style will vary, each using wet (fresh, not dried) hops from around Baltimore, Maryland.  The 2011 edition is a fresh hopped porter.

Our special HOP HAARVEST ALE is designed to showcase the special flavors derived from our locally grown, Maryland “wet” hops.  The 2011 release is a 5% alc/vol porter in style.  We hope you enjoy the unique profile that comes from freshly harvested hops!

Style: Porter
Availability: 22oz bombers, Draft
Arrival: Not on the HS calendar. Estimated early fall, 2011.

5% ABV 

Posted in Coming Soon, Heavy Seas

Heavy Seas Adds A Fresh Haarvest

Heavy Seas Brewing (Baltimore, MD) will be adding a wet hopped beer to the Mutiny Fleet this year.

The style will vary, each using wet (fresh, not dried) hops from around Baltimore, Maryland.  The 2011 edition is a fresh hopped porter.

Our special HOP HAARVEST ALE is designed to showcase the special flavors derived from our locally grown, Maryland “wet” hops.  The 2011 release is a 5% alc/vol porter in style.  We hope you enjoy the unique profile that comes from freshly harvested hops!

Style: Porter
Availability: 22oz bombers, Draft
Arrival: Not on the HS calendar. Estimated early fall, 2011.

5% ABV 

Posted in Heavy Seas, New Releases

NEW RELEASE: Heavy Seas Aarsh Red

The latest and greatest addition to Heavy Seas Brewing’s Mutiny Fleet had docked – “Aarsh Red.” That’s pirate talk for an Irish red ale.  Imperial Irish Red Ale of course.  Just in time for a particular Irish holiday…

Commercial Description:
Our version of the Irish Red Ale, brewed with 3 kinds of grain then pulled through a pot of gold with 2 kinds of hops. Slainte!

Style: Red Ale
Hops: Warrior, Cascade, Palisade
Malts: Pale, Crystal, Caramel, Roasted Barley

Taste Expectations: Clean & full malt flavor. Bready & caramel.  Slightly toasty. Subtle dark fruit. Candy-like finish.

Availability: 22oz bombers. Draft.  February Mutiny Fleet release

7% ABV

Posted in Beertography, Coming Soon, Heavy Seas

Heavy Seas Holy Sheet Bottled Today

Heavy Seas Brewing in Baltimore, MD is bottling Holy Sheet! today.  Last year Holy Sheet got a promotion to bombers in the Mutiny Fleet.

According to their Facebook Page, today is bottling day.  As you can see by the pic, I’d assume that beer is pretty fresh.  Sheet is a Belgian strong dark ale.  Heavy Seas calls it  “Uber Abbey Ale.”  My fond memories are drinking about 5 glasses of it on St Paddy’s day a few years ago.  March 18th was magical.

Holy Sheet! is due out in March.  Cellars for 2 years.  Holy Sheet! We’ll see you soon.



Posted in Coming Soon, Heavy Seas

COMING SOON: Heavy Seas Davy Jones Lager

Headed to the Heavy Seas Brewing’s (Baltimore, MD) “Mutiny Fleet” in 2011 is “Davy Jones Lager”.  Davy Jones will be an imperial cream ale.

From the label:
Traditionally, cream ales are fermented using lager yeast at “ale” temperatures, then slowly lowered down to “lager” taking the yeast from the top down to the depths of Davy Jones locker.

Availability: 22oz bombers.  Draft.

Arrival: June 2011

7% ABV