Posted in Southern Tier Brewing

Southern Tier Imperial Compass Added To Spring Lineup

Southern Tier Imperial Compass

Look out for this Spring from a new sparking imperial offering from Southern Tier Brewing (Lakewood, NY). Imperial Compass joins Plum Noir in new offerings this year. Compass is a bottle conditioned (expect lots of bubbles), with a hint of rose hips.

We rely on age-old tools in the brewery despite being surrounded by high technology. As sort of compass, we use the six pointed brewer’s star to help ravigate uncharted brews. The cardinal points of water, malt. grain, yeast, hops and a brewer make the baseline. From there anything goes. Sometimes the journey is as Important as the destination.

You’ll notice s slight bittemess In Compass derived from our use of rose hips accentuated by high effervescence. Drink it cold from a fluted or tulip glass and by all means, avoid sea serpents! 

Style: Sparkling Ale (Tripel? w/ Rose Hips)
Availability: 22oz bombers, Draft
Arrival: Spring, 2013

9% ABV

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