Posted in New Releases, Sierra Nevada

Sierra Nevada’s Ovila Dubbel Hits

The first edition of Sierra Nevada Brewing’s newest series & collaboration “Ovila Dubbel” is hitting shelves nationwide.  Keeping true to Sierra Nevada’s desire to explore new things in their 30th year, this series is a one of the first Trappist collaborations in the United States.  The 3 edition Ovila series is a collaboration with the monks of New Clairvaux in California.

About Dubbel:
Ovila Abbey Dubbel is brewed in the abbey tradition, and prefect for the rebirth of spring. Clear and deep copper in color and perfect for the rebirth of spring. Clear and deep copper in color, this Abbey Dubbel has a complex and rich malty sweetness with hints of caramelized sugar.  The aroma is a heady and layered mix of fruit and spice with hints of clove, raisin, and black pepper from the use of abbey —style yeast.

Style: Dubbel

Taste Expectations: Clove, pepper. Orange peel. Caramel, Belgian candi sugar.  Dark fruits.

Availability: 750 ml, corked & caged. One time release.

7.5% ABV


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