Posted in Rare Opportunity, Sierra Nevada, Terrapin Beer Company

Sierra Nevada Bigfoot ’07, ’08, ’09

SN BigfootThis is not exactly an event, but more of an opportunity.  As fun as it is to drink beer, or should I say current beer, I get even more excited to drink aged/cellared beer.   That brings us to today.

Sierra Nevada releases a Barleywine called Bigfoot annually.  (Barleywines are a form of strong ale that originated from England.  BW’s are strong 8%-12% ABV and are as strong as wine, but made from grain instead of fruits. Thus – barley.)   Back to the point, 2009 marks the 25th release of Bigfoot. Today you can try not only the ’09 release, but you can also taste ’08 & ’07 all side by side.

Vertical tastings are particularly significant because it provides some great insight to how a beer ages and matures.  I can’t tell you how many beers I have had that only get better with age.  (Something you can throw back at your wine snob friends.)    Hopefully by now you see that this is a particularly interesting opportunity to try the last 3 years of releases.

ALSO!!! To finish off your vertical tastings, you can also try Terrapin’s Wake & Bake 2008 & 2009 side by side.  Wake and Bake is an Imperial Oatmeal Stout – and part inspiration for the now acclaimed Depth Charge.

To my knowledge, these will be available today whenever you hit the bar, but I make 100% sure and post.

Taco Mac Metropolis
933 Peachtree Street N.E.
Atlanta, GA 30309
(404) 631-6526
@tmacmetropolis (on twitter)

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