Posted in Service Brewing, New Releases

Service Brewing SBC 2 marks the brewery’s 2nd

Service Brewing SBC 2

Service Brewing SBC 2 debuts later this month. A celebration of the Savannah, Georgia based brewery’s second birthday.

Service is veteran owned, started by Kevin Ryan, former U.S. Army Company Commander. He and his incredible fiancé Meredith Sutton have put 11 beers into production, nearly 50 different R&D beers, and even more notable- raised $28,000 dollars for various charities.

Service Brewing SBC 2 is described as an American-Belgo-style ale, different from anything the brewery has created to date. Their house yeast, cultured from the Service apiary (Army bees!), gives the beer the Belgian-like characteristics, and fruity ester flavors. Combine that with blood orange zest and a healthy dose of Citra hops, and your birthday beer is complete.

SBC2 marks our second anniversary craft beer in honor of those who serve our country, and we humbly continue our duty of donating a portion of our revenue to support them. Thank you for helping achieve our mission as we dedicate SBC2 to all the charities out there making the world a better place.

Service Brewing SBC 2 is a 750 milliliter bottle release starting July 23rd.

Style: Belgian-style Strong Ale (w/ Blood Orange Zest)
Hops: Citra

Availability: 750ml Bottles
Debut: 7/23/16

9.5% ABV

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