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SEASONAL RETURN: Breckenridge Autumn

Breckenridge Brewing hails from Denver, Colorado.  Now arriving is the brewery’s fall seasonal “Autumn Ale.”  Autumn is Brekenridge’s take on an oktoberfest.

Commerical Description:
Breckenridge Brewery’s fall seasonal combines the malty goodness of a German lager with the clean crispness of an American ale. Brewed with Munich malts and a delicate blend of Bavarian hops, our Autumn Ale is a full-bodied treat with a nutty-sweet middle, a warming alcohol level and notes of toasted grains. A pre-winter winner.

Beer Rundown:

Style: Old Ale
Hops: Perle, Hallertau
Malts: Two Row Pale, Munich, Roasted Barley, Chocolate
Yeast: Ale

Taste Expectations: Molasses, chocolate, & caramel.  Some nutty flavors.  Medium hop profile.

Availability: 12oz/6pks.  Draft. September – October. Fall Seasonal.

6.7% ABV
21 IBU’s

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