Posted in Beer News, Westvleteren

Rumor: No Westvleteren 12 Coming To Georgia

One of the highest rated beers in the world: Westvleteren XII is finding it’s way into distribution around the world this year.   The monastery in Belgium needs thousands of dollars in repairs and distributing the beers will help rebuild it.  When you have a beer as rare and so highly touted as Westie XII, it causes a stir.

70,000 boxes of  what has been ranked the #1 beer on planet earth will hit U.S. soil as early as June.  If you consider the number of individuals want this beer in 50 states, you aren’t left with many to share.  Shelton Brothers is one of the importers donating time (and shipping) to bring Westvleteren stateside.  After speaking with Shelton, BSJ has all but confirmed a sad bit of information.  Georgia will not receive XII.  Preliminary numbers put just 15 (assuming box sets) in the state.  That’s barely any product.  Savannah Distributing will apparently pass on bringing Westvleteren into the state.  (With pretty good reason if this is indeed true, you’ll never make anyone happy with such little product.)

Can’t wait to see the markups and eBay sales on this one.  Still waiting on Savannah to confirm this information.

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