Posted in Coming Soon, River Rat Brewery

River Rat Sour Cherry Sucker Punch Arrives in September

River Rat Sucker Punch Bottle

River Rat Sour Cherry Sucker Punch will release in September

Don’t let the name fool you, this is bold American strong ale, brewed with tart cherries, cranberries, and blackstrap molasses.

Our Sour Cherry Sucker Punch is aged with real tart cherries and cranberries giving you a refreshing tart flavor – not to be mistaken for a sour beer – along with black strap molasses. This ale pairs well with any meats, particularly red meats, BBQ or Asian foods as well. It’s a hearty beer to say the least.

River Rat Sour Cherry Sucker Punch is a 22 ounce bottle offering. The brewery tells Beer Street Journal it will release in September, just no exact date yet.

Style: American Strong Ale (w/ Cranberries, Cherries, Blackstrap Molasses)
Availability: 22oz Bottles, Draft.
Release: September, 2015

10.5% ABV

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