Posted in Headlines, Red Brick Brewing

Red Brick & Max Lagers Team Up

Red Brick Max Lagers Atomic Frog

Red Brick Brewing and Max Lagers (Both, Atlanta) will pre-release a new collaboration in time for DragonCon this weekend. The beer is Atomic Frog, and it’s hoppy. And nerdy.

Atomic Frog is design is a “double india pale lager”, that features hops notes of lime zest, mango, guava, and melon. Basically, this ass-kicking amphibian is boozy lager, hopped like a massive IPA. The bright hops and lager base really pull the brew to a crazy drinkable level.

We’re excited to be working with one of our favorite restaurants and breweries and supporting local business with a hoppy lager that has an outstanding flavor,” said Tyler Cates, marketing coordinator for Red Brick. “Atomic Frog’s hop notes of lime zest, mango, guava, and melon play well with the minerality of the lager yeast, and pairing that with bohemian pilsner and carahell malts make it a delicious beer that finishes dry and clocks in at eight percent ABV.”

You will find it on draft this weekend during the convention at Max Lagers in downtown Atlanta, the Great American Beer Festival in Denver in October, and in 22oz bombers across Red Brick’s seven distribution states this winter.

Style: India Pale Lager
Availability: Draft (Now), 22oz Bombers, (Winter)

8% ABV

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