Posted in Beer News

Peace, Love & Lawsuits. Mother Earth Vs. Mother Earth

Have you ever seen Mother Earth Brew Co. in California?  Have you seen a Mother Earth Brewing North Carolina?  Me too.  In the back of my mind I wondered why there seemed to be two of them.

So did they.   The two breweries have been pissed at each other for years now, culminating in a court/trademark battle that ended in August.  The issue breaks down like this:

Daniel Love, of Mother Earth-California, states he trademarked his name 30 full days before Mother Earth-North Carolina did in 2009.  Fast forward to August 22nd, 2011, the trademark case went all the way to the trademark supreme court in Alexandria, Virginia.  The case was dismissed “with prejudice,” a legal way of saying that the case can’t be re-filed.   Mother Earth-North Carolina loses.

What now? The winner, Mother Earth-California plans to send a letter to North Carolina telling them to stop using the name, and recall all the products using the name.

I guess there won’t be any collaboration beers coming from the 2 anytime soon. [WITN, North County]

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