After 61 years, a touted “beer tradition” may come to an end. Pabst Blue Ribbon Old Style might leave Wrigley Field.
The American lager has has been sold at Wrigley since 1950, over 6 decades ago. Regardless of how you feel about the beer, people tie drinking Old Style to sports tradition, even superstition. 61 years of Old Style haven’t brought a World Series trophy to Wrigley (103 year drought), but at the park beer tradition is alive an well.
Recently Pabst, the makers of Old Style, were purchased by C. Dean Metropoulos. With the purchase, the announcement of some company changes, including a move to Los Angeles. In an internal memo (how does this stuff get out?) Metropoulos mentioned ending the 61 year run with Wrigley in favor of an expanded commercial push for Old Style Light.
Just the thought is leaving a bad taste in some fans mouths. Sports are tied to traditions. It’s all part of the fan experience. I guess it would be like taking hotdogs out of the park. You look forward to some Old Style and some Cubs baseball. I don’t blame ’em. [CBSAtlanta]